
Wednesday Jun 02, 2021
Wednesday Jun 02, 2021
The third and final episode of this special three-part series is now out!
The years 2020 and 2021 have shown how the role of scientists is all the more important. Today, the Center on Climate and Energy Transformation at the University of Bergen (CET) is launching a series of three podcasts on Climate Risk and Democratic Energy Policies: Climatenergy Talk! The podcast series aims to communicate to the larger public on the role of science--the social and natural sciences--for depolarizing and democratizing energy policies. The series is part of The Climate Festival §112 Bergen and is endorsed by the Norwegian Climate Foundation and Juridika Innsikt.
The third episode, The Green Tumbling: Can Sustainable Finance Combat Climate Change?, delves into sustainable finance with Lisa Sachs, the Director of the Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment in New York City. So-called "sustainable investment" funds grew in both number and value over 2020, as the real economy shuddered from the effects of COVID. At the same time, a growing number of companies, investors and banks are making net-zero commitments, while financing for fossil fuel infrastructure continues to grow. Lisa will help us understand these trends, how to decipher meaningful commitments and action from greenwashing, and what steps are needed to align the financial sector with the Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Climate Agreement.
Creator and Host: Esmeralda Colombo
Producer: Mainstream AS, Bergen

Saturday May 29, 2021
Saturday May 29, 2021
Episode 2 of this special three-part series ClimatenergyTalk! ready for download
The years 2020 and 2021 have shown how the role of scientists is all the more important. CET is excited to share this series of three podcasts on Climate Risk and Democratic Energy Policies. The project aims to communicate to the larger public on the role of science--the social and natural sciences--for depolarizing and democratizing energy policies. The podcast series is part of Klimafestivalen 112-Bergen and is endorsed by Norsk Klimastiftelse and Juridika Innsikt.
The second episode focuses on the economic analyses for expanding the petroleum industry in the Norwegian Arctic, which were one of the objects of controversy in the one and only lawsuit ever filed in climate change matters in Norway, People v Arctic Oil. The government's economic analyses on the expansion of the petroleum industry became controversial as independent experts showed that drilling in the Arctic can be socially unprofitable for the Norwegian society. The Climate Casino: Drilling Down on the Norwegian Climate Change Case, hosting the two expert witnesses in the case, Prof. Mads Greaker and Prof. Knut Einar Rosendahl, who collaborated with lawyers and wrote a landmark report.
Creator and Host: Esmeralda Colombo
Producer: Mainstream AS, Bergen

Thursday May 20, 2021
Thursday May 20, 2021
Introducing this special three-part series ClimatenergyTalk!
The years 2020 and 2021 have shown how the role of scientists is all the more important. Today, CET is launching a series of three podcasts on Climate Risk and Democratic Energy Policies. The project aims to communicate to the larger public on the role of science--the social and natural sciences--for depolarizing and democratizing energy policies. The podcast series is part of Klimafestivalen 112-Bergen and is endorsed by Norsk Klimastiftelse and Juridika Innsikt.
The first podcast is on Epistemic Communities: The Role of Scientists for Deep Decarbonization, hosting philosopher Associate Professor Kjetil Rommetveit. Kjetil takes us onto a journey to discover how social and natural scientists are working together across sectors to support policy making—often to better up national and global climate politics, and offer new perspectives on reality. He is the editor of the book 'Post-truth Imaginations' forthcoming on Routledge in 2021.
Creator and Host: Esmeralda Colombo
Producer: Mainstream AS, Bergen

Friday Jun 07, 2019
Imagining and understanding energy transition
Friday Jun 07, 2019
Friday Jun 07, 2019
How can art and academia bring energy transition into the public debate?
Siddarth Sareen, Postdoctoral researcher at CET invited textile artist Margrethe Kolstad Brekke and Professor of Energy Policy Benjamin Sovacool to discuss art and academia’s role in the energy transition debate.
This episode is a recording of the evening conversation at Hordaland Art Centre on the 14th of May 2019.
Edited and produced by Judith L. Reczek Dalsgård
Music by Lee Rosevere – Under Suspicion. Creative commons license B.Y. 3.0

Thursday May 23, 2019
How do we rework education? Pt2: Students in the driver's seat.
Thursday May 23, 2019
Thursday May 23, 2019
2019 has seen a mobilization of global proportions. Children, young adults and students are urging adults, teachers, and universities to provide the tools they need to learn about complex connections. They need to acquire this knowledge so they can make a change. A change that needs to happen fast.
How can universities meet this demand from the younger generation? What are the tools they need and how can we rework education to help us meet the challenges of the 21st century?
Episode 4 and 5 we are discussing education for a sustainable future and how we can rework higher education.
In part two we are talking to the student coordinators Johan Elfving and Synnøve Beitnes of student-led initiative The Collaboratory, as well as convener PhD Fellow Jakob Grandin.
The Collaboratory has hosted two student-led conferences: Bergen International Student Conference and run UiB's first interdisciplinary innovation course, CET201: Sustainable Innovation.
Hosted and produced by Judith L. Reczek Dalsgård
Music by Lee Rosevere – Under Suspicion. Creative commons license B.Y. 3.0

Friday Apr 12, 2019
How do we rework education? Pt 1 - Prof. Mattias Barth
Friday Apr 12, 2019
Friday Apr 12, 2019
Our first english language episode!
What is education for? How can teaching and education helps us meet the challenges of the 21st century. How can we rework higher education to equip the next education with the tools and skills they need for a sustainable future?
The next couple of episodes we are discussing education for a sustainable future and how we can rework higher education with student-led initiatives.
Part one we have PhD Fellow at CET Jesse Schrage in the studio. Jesse has a background fra CEMUS, a student initiated and transdisciplinary centre at Uppsala University. A few months ago he visited Matthias Barth, professor of education for sustainable development at Leuphana University in Lüneburg, Germany.
Hosted and produced by Judith L. Reczek Dalsgård
Music by Lee Rosevere – Under Suspicion. Creative commons license B.Y. 3.0
Part two will we be talking to a student-led initiative hosted by CET - The Collaboratory.

Wednesday Mar 06, 2019
Hvordan kan byer fremme omstilling?
Wednesday Mar 06, 2019
Wednesday Mar 06, 2019
Hvordan kan byer fremme omstilling? Og hva er de viktigste sakene på klimafeltet frem mot kommunevalget i høst?
23.januar arrangerte vi en lokalpolitisk debatt sammen med Klimafestivalen §112 på Media City Bergen. Der hadde vi toppkandidatene til alle politiske partiene med oss for å diskutere de viktigste saker på klimafeltet:
Panelet besto av:
- Julie Andersland, Bergen Venstre
- Marte Mjøs Persen, Arbeiderpartiet i Bergen
- Håkon Pettersen Bergen KrF
- Thor Haakon Bakke, Miljøpartiet De Grønne i Bergen
- Tor A. Woldseth, Bergen FrP
- Marthe Hammer, Bergen SV
- Marte Leirvåg, Bergen Høyre
- Ove Sverre Bjørdal, Bergen Senterparti
- Sofie Marhaug, Rødt Bergen
Denne episoden hører vi på utdrag fra paneldebatten og med for å diskutere de ulike saker er Tarje Wanvik, forsker ved CET som har tatt et års permisjon for å jobbe som politisk rådgiver for byråd for byutvikling.
Professor Håvard Haarstad, Senterleder for CET, var moderator på debatten i Media City Bergen og er programleder for denne episoden.
Produsert av Judith L. Reczek Dalsgård
Musikken er av Lee Rosevere – Under Suspicion. Creative commons lisens B.Y. 3.0

Tuesday Feb 05, 2019
Hva kan vi gjøre?
Tuesday Feb 05, 2019
Tuesday Feb 05, 2019
Denne gangen skal vi være ganske personlige. Vi skal snakke om klimagassutslippene våre. Utslippene fra alt vi gjør og hvordan vi bor og hvordan vi kommer oss fra A til B. Altså livene våre utgjør til sammen utslippene som forårsaker den globale oppvarmingen. I en kronikk i dagbladet i september i fjor skrev de at man trenger ikke å være klimaskeptiker til å bidra til krisen, det holder med å oppføre seg som en.
Da er spørsmålet: Hva kan vi gjøre med det? Hva kan den enkeltpersonen gjøre med det? Og hva kreves systemendring? Har det nok en gang med høne og egget, er det tilbud eller etterspørsel som driver dette?
- Karen Moberg - Forsker ved Vestlandforsking
- Agnes Tvinnereim fra Bærekraftige Liv
- Programleder: Stina Oseland, Stipendiat ved CET.
Episoden er redigert av Judith L. Reczek Dalsgård
Musikken er av Lee Rosevere – Under Suspicion. Creative commons lisens B.Y. 3.0

Thursday Dec 20, 2018
Flykvoter er det realistisk og hva må til?
Thursday Dec 20, 2018
Thursday Dec 20, 2018
Skal vi begrense den globale oppvarming til under to grader, må verdens klimagassutslippene ned mot null i 2050. Flyreiser og nordmenns flyvaner utgjør en betydelig del av utslippene. Noe må gjøres med reisevanene våre, men hva skal til?
Ketil Kjenseth, leder av energi- og miljøkomiteen har foreslått kvoter på antall flyreiser.
"I snitt reiser hver nordmann 2,3 ganger med fly innenlands per år. Det betyr at veldig mange nordmenn ikke flyr, mens en ganske liten gruppe av nordmenn flyr veldig mye – langt over 100 reiser per år."
Er dette i det hele tatt mulig å få til? Og er det rom for denne type radikal tenkning i stortinget i dag? Hva er mulighetene og hva er de eventuelle konsekvenser? Vi samlet et panel av forskere som vil belyse fra ulike ståsted.
- Samtaleleder: Stina Oseland – Stipendiat UiB Spacelab/CET.
- Ketil Kjenseth – Venstre, leder for energi og miljøkomiteen, Stortinget.
- Endre Tvinnereim - Forsker II, NORCE & CET.
- Ragnhild Louise Muriaas – Professor I sammenliknende politikk, UiB
Episoden er redigert av Judith L. Reczek Dalsgård
Musikken er av Lee Rosevere – Under Suspicion. Creative commons lisens B.Y. 3.0